Gardening 2

Group Leader: Pat Mann
Contact Telephone: 0151-342-2101
Meeting venue: The Glass House, Burton Manor.
Meeting Date/Time: 3rd Tuesday of the month starting at 2pm, unless otherwise stated
Maximum Number: 14
Meeting Cost: When we visit somewhere each one pays on the days and adheres to the rules regarding petrol. When meetings are held at The Glass House, Burton Manor, members contribute to the cost of refreshements.
Is there a waiting list? The group is now large enough, however the Group Leader is prepared to help anyone else wishing to form another gardening group.

Format: At the beginning of the year we sort out a programme and members volunteer to arrange a venue /theme for one month in the year.

Outing to Bodrhyddan Hall
Bodrhyddan Hall is owned by the Langford family and has been home to the same family for over 500 years. The previous Lord Langford died 2-3 years ago aged 105, the oldest member of the House of Lords (at that time). He never took his seat – because the family originated in Ireland.

The gardens cover approximately 8 acres and include a formal parterre, extensive lawns and the natural planting within the Pleasance. There is also a Woodland Walk, reclaimed in the early 2000s.

Outing to Dunham Massey
We had a lovely day out, the weather was kind and stayed dry with the sun occasionally peeping through and showing off the spectacular autumn colour. We had an extremely knowledgeable guide to take us on a tour of the garden. She told us the history of the house and knew all the latin names for all the trees, shrubs and plants and who the original collector of the specimens had been- we were all very impressed. The gardens at Dunham were being prepared for their Christmas light event – hence the reindeer below!

15. November 2022A seed swap: to include some knowledge of the plant and the best way to germinate the seed.
DecemberNo meeting.
17. January 2023 New Year lunch for Gardening Group 2 members only – finger buffet at the Glasshouse, Burton Manor, members to bring food.
21. February 2023 Members to bring a plant (indoor or outdoor) of particular interest to them: everyone will give a short, informative, talk about their plant eg history, how to grow, how to propagate, evergreen/deciduous, does it flower and if so when.
21. March 2023Members to give a short talk about a gardening related topic beginning with the letter “J”
18. April 2023We now start visiting gardens again. On this occasion we will be looking at Clematis plants in a garden in Mollington.
Event Calendar
© Neston U3A 2025